Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Favorite Things

In no particular order:

The book Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall and Illustrated by Barbara Cooney
Stevie Wonder
Sting/The Police
Pride and Prejudice
4th of July and a pork tenderloin sandwich with fireworks in Chenoa, IL
Date Ball cookies
British Comedies on PBS
Quiet, early morning when the sky seems overcast before the sunlight really hits
New England (this is really more in theory since I've never been there)
Smell of fireplaces being used for the first time, while standing outside in the neighborhood
Fredericksburg, TX
Apple Orchards
Applesauce made from Transparent Apples
Baby Smiles
New makeup

There are lots of other things I love. Too many to mention really. What are your favorite things?

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