You''ve got to try these. Coolest. Thing. Ever. Harvard came up with this series of tests designed to reveal any prejudices one might have, conscious or subconscious. They're really kind of fun - revealing too. Here are my results:
Native American IAT- I have a SLIGHT association of "White American" with "Foreign" and "Native American" with "American" - meaning I view Native Americans as more authentically "American" - makes sense I guess.
Gender/Career- SLIGHT association of "Female" with "Family" and "Male" with "Career"
Obama/McCain- SLIGHT preference for John McCain
Presidents- SLIGHT preference for George W. Bush over "Other Presidents" (In this case the "other president" was Thomas Jefferson - I chalk this up to being more familiar with GWB's face as opposed to TJ's)
Skin-Tone- LITTLE TO NO preference for light skin over dark skin, and vice-versa
Race- LITTLE TO NO preference for Blacks or Whites
Asian-American- LITTLE TO NO ASSOCIATION of "Asian" with "Foreign" or "American"
Arab-Muslim- SLIGHT preference for "Other People" over "Arab/Muslim"
Age- SLIGHT preference for "Old" people over "Young" people
Disability- NO AUTOMATIC PREFERENCE between abled/disabled persons
Weapons- SLIGHT association of Black Americans with weapons compared with White Americans
Religion- STRONG AUTOMATIC PREFERENCE for "Judaism" compared to "Other Religions"
Weight- MODERATE AUTOMATIC PREFERENCE for "Thin People" compared to "Fat People"
Sexuality- STRONG preference for "Straight" people
Gender/Science- MODERATE association of "Female" with "Science" and "Male" with "Liberal Arts"
Bonus IAT: "3 Countries" (Japan, India, and China)- I prefer the 3 countries in the following order, starting with my strongest preference: 1. Japan 2. India 3. China
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Kitchen Drawers
Declutter Challenge: Organizing Your Kitchen Drawers. Discover how to
transform cluttered kitchen drawers into an organized, functional space
with these ...
2 weeks ago
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